Saturday, January 5, 2008


the rain is pouring outside. this usually makes me happy, but for some reason, i've been stuck inside all day and there's a hurricane going on in my head... i'm thinking a million miles a minute and i can't seem to slow down. i guess that's just when i block it all out and go on with my day... just numb and irritable.

i've been reading harry potter which is enjoyable. i've almost been immersing myself in it. it's weird, sometimes i start thinking in harry potter terms. eww.

i want to get closer to jesus, to spend more time in prayer everyday ESPECIALLY because i'm not in school and i have so much free time like writing on this crap, but i haven't felt anything to pray for. i kind of just assume that he knows my every thought and move and therefore helps me, which he does, but still... there's a longing.

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