Friday, September 12, 2008

I chucked myself.

I feel like I've chucked myself down a hill. rolling and rolling and no where near anything to grab onto for stability. just a balancing act, free falling into serenity of mind and

Life's moving so fast but I am perfectly still. I am one with the One. Truth surrounds me. He's the insulating blanket I wrap myself around on winter nights, keeping me warm from the inside out. He is my favorite sweatshirt. He the fire in my living room. cracking logs and entertaining me with sweet simple beauty. He is the clouds overhead moving through my mind in shapes created solely for Glorification.
He is every single bright hole poked into the sky, looking upon my head, speaking softly saying "look up, I've got you covered"

there's ash in my mouth and the landscape lies ahead. He points to the city at large while I'm wrapped around His finger.

"Sick 'em Sister"

and so I keep falling.

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