Monday, February 12, 2007

The hunt begins

In summoning up three story ideas, I figured I'd run with the one that I, and the world, would understand and know the best. The other two, being to volatile and opinionated, seemed to carry a weight that the world would not be able to carry on their minds. So in choosing to write about the professional world of elite underground sports, I figured I was giving myself a break.

This story was the first story that popped into my head when asked for an idea. Since I know of some of it so well, it would be a breeze. In coming back to asses where I stand on this, I soon came to realization that, even though I've got a bit of a head start, I've still got quite a bit to eat and digest on my plate.

I've decided to focus on three main sports, Lacrosse, Rugby, and Crew (or Rowing). I'm going to focus mainly on the hype surrounding it, or lack there of, as an intercolligate sports.

So far, I have been doing nothing but building up my list of people to call and speak to about it. I have been in contact with a Rugby player from the University of Colorado. Also, I have the obvious resources of my own coaches. I also plan on speaking with my novice (first year) coach, Sarah Whipple, whom just happens to have a twin sister that Coxswained the Women's Olympic Team as well as Coaches the University of Washington's Crew.

Lacrosse is my only struggle. I have been spending some time sifting through some college websites trying to find Lacrosse listed as a sport, but have had no luck. I plan on contacting the NCAA to speak with them about Lacrosse, as well as the other sports, and see if I can obtain a list from them of Universities that have the sports.

All in all, this story will be a difficult hunt, so I'm getting out my best rifle and running full blast into the wilderness.

till then,
Hunter Anne


alwaysvintage02 said...
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alwaysvintage02 said...

Hmmm, this leaves me curious to know your other two choices, but i understand your decision to stick with something more people can relate too. When I was the on the paper I was always pushing for out of the ordinary story ideas, but didn't get much support for them. It's just easier for people to wrap their head around sports, than it is something more "meaty". You sound like you're on a roll with contacts, and I'm ure someone plays Lacrosse out there lol I have this image of you in bright orange with one of those fargo like hates as "hunter anne"