Wednesday, February 7, 2007

As a journalism major, most of the criteria that is drilled into us throughout two years of life-training is about newspapers: how to graph, how to edit, how to "hook", how to just plain write. With all this newspaper talk, it seems as if anyone with an inspiration towards a different road, toward magazines, seems to be stuck on a one lane highway with the only exit being graduation and eventually a newspaper.
That's personally how I feel, like we've got one choice and one destination. My goal is to launch myself not into newspaper, but magazines. I want to write elaborate stories that catch people's eyes and make them say "Wow..."
I hope to accomplish this through hard work and dedication throughout this course. It makes me fuzzy inside to know that I could have my foot in the door by the end of this semester. Like Prof. Fitzgerald said, once you get one editor to approve your work, the rest agree (or something along those lines).
Which made me think, "Hey, what a great way to get the ball rolling."
Speaking of rolling, I'm hoping to "roll" myself all the way up to Rolling Stones. I dream of the day that I can write a magnificent article, and have my photography on the cover and write by my paper voice. So who knows...


ncs said...

those are some high aspirations, but there's nothing wrong with that. i assume you enjoy writing about music most? correct me if i'm wrong...

josh said...

Here here...I feel the same way about the highway. Here's to finding a new offramp!

Michael J. Fitzgerald said...

You are already on your way by being enthusiastic and willing to work...

Magazines - maybe we should really just call it freelance writing - is as tough as being involved in crew. But it can be rewarding, too. I'm going to hear Rudy Giuliani speak Saturday the state GOP convention and have to file a story right afterwards with Reuters.

Fun? You bet. Lucrative? Enough to get me out on a Saturday, plus there's a good chance I might get to shake hands with a lot of GOP big shots - maybe even the Guvenator himself. It's a side benefit to the writing.

alwaysvintage02 said...

Hey! It's Danielle, just wanted to let you know that I made a blog so I am able to leave you comments and what not :) I liked your first post, and I like you have always wanted to write for Rolling Stone. Something tells me you'll get there. I completely agree how journalism classes really only prepare you for newspapers, and should do more magazines. Knowing you as well I do, you'll have no problem finding your own path to march down :)