Friday, April 16, 2010

The Ogden Adventures

It happened. I graduated and got a job. I picked up everything and moved from the familiarity of California to the obscurity of Ogden, Utah.

Forty minutes north of Salt Lake City, Ogden's this quaint little town with a whole different kind of personality. It has it's pluses and minuses.

It's 15 minutes from three ski resorts. Plus

Living at the bottom of a mountain, walking distance from trailhead. Plus

Dog food plant on the end of town. Minus

Not having experience driving in the snow. BIG minus...

But at any rate, moving here from California has been a definite adventure. Learning the ropes of a new job at Big Sky Athletic Conference has been great. The people here that I work with and in the town are extremely nice and accommodating which in turn minimizes rope burn from this new town.

So far, I've been blessed with renting an amazing two bedroom condo across the street from tennis courts and a soccer field with the backdrop of Mount Ogden in the background. And I pay a steal for rent: $625.

Speaking of a steal, I just found a roommate which is a total God incident. Now, I realize it's going to be hard to understand how this may be hard for some people to understand, but trust me, if you knew me before I knew God, I was a hot mess. I believe that God, or Godhead through the Holy Spirit, speaks to everyone, its just a matter of quieting oneself to hear His voice.

At any rate, God confirmed this lady roommate with me, and when September rolls around, she'll start her job and move in.

Aside from the blessing of a housing situation, I've gotten a bit of rope burn. The first, and mildest burn, was when I was trying to find the three mile loop on the Mt. Ogden trails (the trailhead near my house I mentioned earlier).

After work one day, I drove up to the trailhead to go for a run, mistake No. 1. After getting to the end of what I believed to be the three mile loop, I followed the arrows that pointed to what I believed to be the trail, always taking to the right of whatever fork I met figuring I'd get back SOME HOW.

Turns out, took a wrong turn and I ended up running right in front of my house. With my keys in the glove box of my car. Which was parked at the trail head in the opposite direction.

From that day forward, I've never parked my car at the trailhead.

My second burn came from a spring storm the night of the NCAA basketball championships.

I went over to a friend's house to watch the Butler v. Duke game. It was raining when I came over around 7 p.m. By the time the game was over around nine, it had started snowing and within the hour, there was at least a foot of snow on the ground.

Now, before I explain my emotional breakdown of my first experience driving in snow, I'd like to explain that my car, the S.S. Nessy as my fiance has named it, is a 1991 Volvo 740 station wagon with rear wheel drive. And I guess I should also explain that it is IMPOSSIBLE to get anywhere in Ogden without hitting some sort of steep hill. And I've been told rear wheel drive is THE WORST kind of car to have in the snow. Let alone the massive boat that is the Volvo.

So I'm sure reading that, the equation for disaster is already adding up in your minds.

I couldn't even turn around in the street without getting stuck and losing control/getting snowed in. So when I got to the end of the street and stopped, I realized I made a big mistake while my tires started spinning and my car started fish tailing FROM THE FRONT.

In hind sight, this was a total blessing in disguise as in order to get to my house, I'd have have climbed a very large hill and would have failed, miserably.

So, I waved down a passing truck and these two gentlemen helped steer me back to my friends house where I stayed the night and proceeded to attempt to keep composure throughout the rest of the night.

That was by far the COLDEST burn I've ever felt. I'm such a baby.

Needless to say, the snow storm made me officially cross off "Living in the snow" from my Bucket List. And yes, I do have an actual Bucket List.

In other Ogden adventures, went snowboarding here. First time in Utah and about my 10th time snowboarding. At all. I'm hoping as time goes on I'll be able to get better at it because this time was a total disaster.

Utah resorts are so different than the ones I grew up on in California. Instead of a main lodge with tons of lifts based close by, they've got a main lodge with a gigantic gondola that takes you all the way to the top of the mountain and you can decide what route you want to take down as the trails vein out across the mountain. It takes about 45 minutes to get down the mountain instead of the quick, short runs in California.

This region is slowly turning me from my sunny California girl ways into a rough and tough flannel wearing mountain girl. And not the flannel that all the hipsters wear in California. No, no the thick red lumberjack flannel. Yup.

Essentially, I probably could stay to my sunny California girl ways and just marry my mountain man (Aaron was born in Colorado. 'Nough said). But he's off in Louisiana and Papa God's gonna take care of me till Aaron comes back.

And might I add on a separate note that I am absolutely deathly afraid of buying a scale for fear of finding out just how much weight I have gained since I stopped rowing last May.

I've been eating pretty healthy with momentary lapses of Ben and Jerry's Coffee Heath Bar Crunch. And I've been exercising about five times a week on average. But I have definitely lost some of the definition I used to have as a rower in college.

Oh well, life changes and we move on. Hopefully I'll lose some weight as I eventually train up for a marathon (another Bucket List item, the one right before backpacking Zion National Park in southern Utah).

In other news, Aaron is geographically closer to me this week as he is doing pre-deployment training in southern Wyoming but since his phone doesn't work there and he's very busy, I get to talk to him once every couple of days for a couple minutes. No fun, but I guess it's conditioning for his deployment =/

Good news is he come to visit May 28-June 13. As a late birthday present (his birthday was April 11), I'm surprising him and him to a Real Salt Lake game in Salt Lake City against the LA Galaxy. I plan on dragging him through Ikea with me and taking him to a couple coffee shops I scouted out in SLC, then off to the game.

In the mean time, I'll be traveling to Phoenix for the Big Sky Golf Championships and will drive down to see my grandpa in southern Arizona before the championships begin.

I leave Saturday and come back Wednesday and then leave again on Friday for Sacramento for the Big Sky tennis championships. I requested an early flight so I can get to see some of my friends and family in Sacramento before the tournament begins.

Good things are coming ahead, God is good.

I'll keep you guys posted as time rolls on.

I know it's long, but I imagine them getting shorter as time goes on since I just summed up an entire month in one blog post.

Till next time.

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