Monday, March 19, 2007


At this point in history, I believe it's not a matter over the state of being brainwashed. I think it's more the matter of what you are washing your brain in.

take a bite and digest that for a while. I'll waiting to hear what waters you bathe in.

"Jesus answered, 'Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.'" John 4:13

"He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers." Psalms 1:3

Monday, March 5, 2007

Dearest world,

Coming halfway into college, I had a revelation of sorts. About half-way through my freshman year, I heard a quote, it rang: "Open your mind and shut your mouth"

It profoundly affected me and it's exactly what I did. I was done with dealing with the life I had for four years in high school and I wanted to change (which in H.S. I knew I wanted to change too - I wanted to be free). So, I literally opened my mind even wider and shut my mouth.

And as I did, I started to turn a corner in my life. Things started to make sense, and when I was facing my new road that was around that ever sharp corner, I found God. And it's been amazing ever since. The revelation that I have recieved from the Almighty has been all I could ever ask for, the gifts He has brought to me have been greater than anything I could imagine and the things that He has planned for me are not fathomable to my incapable, tiny brain.

And I think I'm finally starting to turn another corner and to walk down the deep dark ally of my career in the world.. and we'll see where it takes me. So here's to the adventure of life - three cheers for the unknown.

the girl determined to change the world.

Post Script: and this is just the tip of the iceberg...

Research story #2

Thus far in my search for a story, I was going to do the article on this guy:

But, he's a little inaccessible so again, I'm doing something rowing related (blah).

A repotting story on my coach to be exact. His name is Mike Connors, and word on the street has been that he droped everything to become a coach full time. To the extent of which, I'm not really sure. I've talked to some other people and they have told me that he's been coaching for quite sometime. According to his bio at the Sac State athletic website, he's been coaching for 20 years. While in college, he won most valuable oarsman twice and was inducted into the Santa Clara University Hall of Fame.

He coached at Oakland Strokes (a high school club) for about a year and then moved to coach the UC Davis Men for about four years leaving behind nothing but a good record. Prior to this, he was head coach at Santa Clara University of Women's crew for seven years. He is currently in his fifth season at Sac State.

I've yet to interview him myself, due to how busy we all are, but I should have it done by the end of the week.