Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Pride and Prejudice or Monster?

It really hardens my heart to see band's myspace profiles with girls that send nude pictures of them with the bands name written across their breasts. It pissed me off to see that women cry out for these lovely, Jane Austen romances, for the most chivalrous guy on the earth, yet treat themselves like crap.

It's even more bothersome when they think they are empowering themselves because they are making guys gawk at them. WHAT KIND OF TWISTED IDEA IS THAT? Guys will degrade a girl and gropple and man-handle a young lady and she ACCEPTS IT?! Seriously, will someone please tell me what is wrong with the world today?

Women like that need to be changed. And, for the record, I hate people. I hate the human race. I am the most pessamistic person you will ever meet, BUT the Lord isn't, and I was created in His likeness, and so I have compassion for these girls and all human kind because He has compassion for all.

At any rate, boys are dicks - because women let guys treat them like it. I, on the other hand, won't stand for that or anything less than a real man.

And guys, F.Y.I. - girls really do want to be treated with respect, NO MATTER WHAT they say to you otherwise. So to all you men out there, don't give up. A true love is waiting for everyone.

what a sick world.

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