Wednesday, November 14, 2007


seattle is breathtaking. I'm so glad I was given the opportunity to go.

now i'm just catching up on homework. ugh.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

ahh, basking in my freedom of speech

currently, I have an article that is due tomorrow to which I have no written. And this is the extension date.
How pathetic am I

I hate making excuses so I will give reasons why this article has not been written.
well actually it's mainly just one and that is that none of my sources have called me back.

In talking to my news reporting professor, M. Dugan, I have come to the conclusion that this will be a stone in which i will be tripping over for quite some time.

I found out that I will not graduate in four years, if I don't get my butt in gear soon. So I am going to start taking many summer school classes and such as well as some extra loads. Getting into upper division photography can get very hairy though. if you take intermediate black and white, which the four by five camera, and color photography, then you've got three hours of lab work for each plus the actual picture taking. which with a four by five is not easy. it takes lots of preparation.
SO i can't take a whole lot more than one photo class with lab a semester.

moral of the story, I'd better get my butt in gear.

random thought:
i enjoy lowercase letters, i think that capitalization is over rated. i believe that e.e. cummings wrote in all lower case. and at times, it can look very cheesy but when used with proper writing styles and grammar, it makes for a delightfully beautiful piece of writing.

technology amazes me. simple things like a light fixture completely blow my mind. I think a lot of us take a lot of technology for granted. We are very lucky and blessed to have the things that we do. Nature blows my mind too. And it amazes me that there is still SO MUCH to be learned. I love science and I love God for creating it. Thank you.

exercising my freedoms